Unturned hack client
Unturned hack client

It doesn't affect performance, keep it on Show Inbound Text Chat: This one allows you to see that messages other players are sending.It doesn't affect system performance at all. If you don't like seeing swear words in chat, enable it. Censor Text Profanity: This is another good setting to that is based on personal preference.Show Blood Splatters: This one might give you a few more frames if you disable it, also if you don't want to see blood and want to keep the settings like this for younger kids, this is a good one to disable.Arena Timer Warning: This is a good one to keep on, since it helps you ingame and doesn't affect your gameplay at all.Play Music/Death Music: This doesn't affect the game at all, it just adds music when you load Unturned and when you die.You can determine which settings boost FPS for your personal computer here if this guide doesn't help. Enable Show FPS/Ping: This will allow you to see and measure your FPS (frames per second) and ping it in-game.All the other options don't affect gameplay they just change how certain things look. From here, there is an abundance of settings, including Volume, Field of View, and whether zombies splatter blood upon dying.

Unturned hack client