This is obviously a place that’s gone horribly wrong, with doctors and orderlies preferring to beat the patients rather than treat them and their mental issues. The game immediately starts with a flashing montage of action at the Dixmor Insane Asylum. Accident Can the controversial sequel live up to the original? While I won’t give away any plot spoilers, the story covers everything from mind control and personality manipulation to secret medical projects, mental flashbacks and internal behavioral struggles.

Instead, it approaches a completely new subject matter, which appears slightly influenced by The Manchurian Candidate as well as fellow titles like The Suffering. The sequel doesn’t attempt to build upon the story of James Earl Cash or the death of Starkweather, or lay down any connections to the previous title. The original Manhunt was practically a commentary on entertainment, with the premise being a highlight on the most extreme form of personal amusement: one man struggling for survival with a sadistic director capturing his every move for a series of snuff films.